Natural Solutions Seed Community
Valley of the Moon Eco Project


Community Index Page
Foundation Main Page:

Volunteers & Interns Page
Community Governance
Committee System


A Back Road in the Highlands

To discover, develop, demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions...

Introduction -  Free Participation Webinar:

Valley of the Moon All Natural Coffee -

08/10/09 - Dr Laibow: Volunteers for Health Freedom Needed

08/07/09 - Report on 2009 Summer Internship Program, Discovering Natural Solutions:

06/02/09 - Trustees Report (Introductory Link): 
[3 minute introduction links to 44 minute report]

01/17/09 - Message from Dr. Laibow and Gen. Stubblebine:

PowerPoint presentation of the Project:

Subject to the requirements of the "Angel Loan" financing we are seeking, and "grandfathering" all Contributing Participants who join before finalizing those arrangements, the Participants will acquire participant status through both personal and financial contributions to the Foundation or project, or a combination of both types of input and contributions. If you are interesting in becoming a Contributing Participant, please email Trustee Ralph Fucetola JD (email at bottom of this page) to review the Participation Agreement and complete the information on the bottom of that document to register your Pledge.

As a Contributing Participant, the return is far more than just home site land in a community. In addition to the invaluable resources of the community itself, its members, creativity and shared awareness, you will have pure water, plenty of off-the-grid power, internet connectivity, access to the community center facilities and activities, organic+ farm fresh food (since we will be running both a farm and a farm school) and state of the art wellness and art centers. Even before our farm crops are producing, the local organic growers CAN supply organic produce to people's homes so we will have good food to eat even from the time you arrive in Panama. In addition to home sites, there will be cooperative and community residential possibilities.

Many people would simply offer land for sale in this beautiful region and, in fact, you can buy land there on you own if you so choose.  Why are we not doing a land deal? Because we are building an integrated Intentional Community, not a sub-division. In a land deal, you would expect to be able to sell the land and realize a profit. Here, the model is somewhat different. When you pledge support for the project, your nominee will receive, as permitted under Panamanian law, Beneficial Interest Certificates (BICs). You are not buying land.

With BICs you gain the right to select a building site and build a house (when the main project site is purchased), participate in the community, access its health services and other facilities, including beyond-organic food, participate in the richness of the community arts center, invite friends to visit and enjoy either your home or our outstanding housing units and enjoy life in a sustainable community that partakes of the values and opportunities you treasure enough to be part of the community. You are not, not, buying land although you will have a 99 year renewable lease for a building lot renewable in perpetuity and assignable to heirs). You are also not, not, joining a commune. [We may, however, also be able to make some peripheral lots available for purchase.]

With regard to property ownership, as in all other well designed things, "form follows function" and this land makes it clear that our current model, (e.g., join the community, select a housing lot and, when you are ready, build a house) is the most reasonable for this community placed on this land. The BIC becomes the equivalent of a one time "initiation fee", not a land purchase.

Your BIC gives you the right to select a housing site and build a house on it. If you decide to leave the community permanently, the house can be sold and the profits are yours since you built it. The new owner, who will have to be acceptable to the community (just as would be the case in a condo or other community situation), pays you the cost of your BIC so that cost is reimbursed to you. That way, so the community does not lose the membership fee (which is what the BIC represents), nor do you. If the community is buying your BIC and/or home back, you will get the money from the community. If someone else is buying it, you will get the money from that person.

Your BIC entitles you to benefit from the cash flow generated by activities of the community (if any). Those people who participate in early funding though private memberships, will have (1) a cumulative interest bearing BIC, (2) a perpetual home site lease, (3) participation in community governance and (4) participant status for the services of the three community enterprises discussed Here. Feasibility studies of land, water, etc., and a comprehensive survey will be conducted before purchase of the land.

Since the Panama foundation is a “non-profit private interest foundation…” it cannot promise or offer a share of “profits” to anyone. However, BICs bear an interest rate, which is pegged, as its minimum, to the public Prime Interest Rate of the leading Panamanian bank, Banco National, and the Trustees would be empowered to raise it above that minimum as appropriate. If the community cannot pay the interest, it will accumulate as simple, not compound, interest. This will apply only to the overall BIC interest, not the individual and separate for-profit ventures, outlined below, nor to friendly loans and financing, whose terms will be determined individually by mutual agreement. Unpaid interest could be used to offset costs for property upkeep, power and the like (through the community enterprises).

Some people are eager to be Contributing Participants but do not wish to participate in one or more full BICs or cannot do so. But we can also fund our current financial requirement by having as many people as would like to join in the effort at this point donate anywhere from a minimum of $5 K up. It is important to note that monies are donated to the Natural Solutions Foundation (US) and are therefore fully tax deductible. The money so donated will be used to allow the Panamanian Foundation to carry out the work of developing the Panama Project. Contributions of $5 K or more may be applied to the later receipt of full BICs or as partial BICs. Partial BICs do not confer the right to build houses on the land but participants may have access to community-built housing according to a fee structure based on the amount of their partial BIC and other contributions to the Community. Partial BIC units may be added to over time through additional funding or work for the project or Foundation (“Social Capital”) at an agreed-upon rate and may become full BICs, with leasehold rights.

Additionally, we have established a Donation Program for those who wish to support the project through donations:

You now have an opportunity as a sponsor making a donation of $1000, $5,000, $10,000, and $50,000 up to $100,000 or more to assist the Foundation to make this important global dream a reality.
Silver sponsor members ($1,000) will receive one pound of our exceptional quality coffee per month for a year (retail value $24 per pound).
Gold members ($5,000) will receive the coffee and a three night stay at VOTMEC.
Platinum members ($10,000) will, in addition, also receive a discount for visits to the Clinic/Spa and an opportunity to bid on one of 10 specified homesite perpetual leases within the community.
Diamond Sponsors ($50,000) will receive Gold level benefits and a homesite perpetual lease within the community. 
Emerald Sponsors ($100,000) will receive Gold level benefits and one of the limited number of homesite perpetual leases in the first phase, transferable to a first choice site anywhere in the Valley (All donations are tax deductible).

Community Governance

The Charter (bylaws, articles of association) of the community establish a series of councils that will govern the community and each participant can (and we hope, will) participate in community governance through that system, with a commitment to consensus decision making where possible. Please see the Forum for the draft Charter.

In part, the Draft Charter provides:

4. Governance. A The governing structures of the Community are: (1) the Foundation Council (Foundation Trustees and the Officers of the Association); (2) the Community Council to advise the Trustees and Officers on Community matters, oversee the Community Center; (3) the Homestead Council to represent the interests of the home site holders and (4) Wellness Center and Education Councils to oversee those functions, reporting to the Foundation Council. The Councils shall act by signed, dated, written Resolutions or Rules consistent with this Charter, by absolute majority, with the consent of the Trustees, and in the event of deadlock, the Trustees are empowered to act on behalf of the Association.

B. The Foundation does not affiliate with any political or religious organization. The Community shall not restrict non-violent and individually respectful political and religious expression and permits religious organizations whose beliefs are compatible with the Mission and Vision of the Community to affiliate and participate with the Community, upon resolution of the Trustees.

C. During the development of the Community, the Trustees and development agents appointed by them shall act as a Development Committee to communicate with builders, architects and other professionals, to issue approvals and consents needed to effectively commence, continue and conclude the development of the Community and any enterprises within it. Until the various Councils are functioning, the Development Committee may act in their stead.

5. Officers. The President-Trustee is the Chief Executive Officer and supervisor of the Association and shall oversee its Officers, Councils and activities, under Resolutions or Rules adopted by the Councils that are not inconsistent with this Charter. The Medical Director-Trustee is Chief Research and Science Officer of the Association and shall oversee its research activities. The Secretary/Counsel-Trustee is the Chief Legal Officer of the Association. The Chairpersons of the Community, Homestead and Wellness Councils are officers of the Community.

6. Authority. The Councils, or their duly appointed successors and agents, shall have full and absolute power, control and authority over the activities and property of the Association...

9. Arbitration and Mediation; Law. A. All disputes arising under, or involving the meaning of this Charter and Resolutions or Rules of the Councils, or among the trustees, benefactors, participants, associates, directors, officers, advisors, homestead heirs, the Association and its agencies, shall be settled by mediation and binding arbitration. Any such dispute may be referred by any party for binding arbitration pursuant to the Rules then in effect, and under the auspices of the International Chambers of Commerce, or such other arbitrator to which the parties may agree.

B. Any of the Councils may establish, for activities and matters within its jurisdiction, by written Resolution approved by the Trustees, an Internal Mediation and Arbitration Procedure and any resulting arbitration decision, approved by the Trustees, shall be binding on all parties to this Charter. In general, the Officers, Councils and agents of the Association shall disclose all relevant information to mediators and arbitrators and shall cooperate in all mediation and arbitration proceedings.

C. Any arbitration decision may be enforced in any tribunal of competent jurisdiction.

D. In general, the Officers, Councils and agents of the Association shall seek advice and consult with the Benefactors, Participants, Advisors or Associates about matters affecting them, seeking to reach consensus wherever possible.

E. General principals of right and justice, with this Charter, are the primary source of the law of the contract between the participants. The law of the Republic of Panama or other competent jurisdiction, where not inconsistent, shall also govern.

F. All members of the Community pledge to act honestly, honorably and in good faith toward the Community, Foundation and the other participants, without unreasonably withholding required consents and without unreasonable delay. The autonomy, human rights and property (including intellectual property) of each participant is inviolate.

In other words, the Foundation is yours to participate in. It owns the land; you lease the land and share the common land. You govern it. The fact that the land is near a Panamanian national park gives us the advantage of having another 17,000 hectares (the Amistad National Forest) to use as if it were ours with no financial responsibility the park also somewhat protects our land and water from pesticides, development, etc.

Committee System

During the development stage we are establishing a Development Committees and Participant Comittees.

With the trustees’ consent, we have established an ARC project forum at MyKernals for discussion of development details. That forum can be reached at:

That forum should be used for general discussion and for specific committee activities. The committee structure exists on that site. These committees include:

    * Master Planning Committee

      An ad hoc discussion about our current ideas for a master plan for the community.

    * Community Infrastructure Planning Committee

      For discussion about creating and maintaining facilities. (Commercial Entity)

    * Wellness Spa Planning Committee

      Discussion about the Wellness Center program. (Commercial Entity)

    * Organic+ Farm and School Planning Committee

      Discussion about the Organic+ farm and farm school. (Commercial Entity)

    * Additional Commercial Entity Planning Committee

      Discussion about ideas for additional commercial entities for our community.

    * Home Construction Planning Committeee

      Discussion about building issues of individual homes. For discussion about the facilities at home sites, check out the forum: Community Infrastructure Planning Committee > Home Site Features.

    * Songhai Based Zero Emissions Planning Committee

      Discussion about implementing a zero emissions plan for our community, based on concepts from the Songhai Center.

    * International Outreach Planning Committee

      This is for discussions about proposals for activities we do which go beyond our local Panamanian community. How do we get involved with issues, concerns, and projects outside our NSF Santa Clara Project and outside our local geographical region?

   *  Guest & Hospitality Services Planning Committee

      Discussion about the direction our community takes in offering guest/hospitality services for visitors.

    * Funding Planning Committee

      Discussion about funding issues and sources, and the process of obtaining funding.

    * Academic Planning Committee

      Discussion about academic requirements for our community including children and adult education.

    * Local Outreach Planning Committee

      This is for discussions about proposals for activities we do in our local Panamanian community. How do we get involved with issues, concerns, and projects outside our NSF Santa Clara Project?

    * Community Charter and Governance

      Discussions relating to our Community Charter and our process of Governance.

    * Community Wish List

      Please post here things which you want for our community, but you don't know where to post it. Moderators will review your post and move it to an appropriate forum.

You may join a committee by joining that forum and posting on the committee section; if you have questions about how that forum works, direct questions to Roger through that forum. From time to time, the trustees will appoint one active member of each committee as its moderator and the committee can then start posting reports on the main Community Yahoo!Groups forum.


The Natural Solutions Seed Community is intended to be a Zero Emissions - Ecologically Sound demonstration project. This is a private, confidential and privileged communication to persons interested in supporting the work of the Foundation and is not an offer of securities or any investment. While the trustees and others involved have substantial experience in organizing projects, advanced health care options, developing real estate and community oriented commercial or nonprofit activities, there can be no guarantee that the project will materialize in the manner suggested in this initial informational memorandum. Final development will depend on funding, through donations, grants, beneficial interests and loans both from private sources and financial institutions, as well as legal development requirements.

Site Use Statement

Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee