Sound Health Research Institute

Ms. Edwards on Vocal Profiling
December 6, 2003

Sharry Edwards posted this at her new vocal profiling site:

Breaking The Sound Barriers of Disease

Forced vaccinations; flu shots that kill; armed forces personnel refusing to accept inoculations; smallpox vaccine causes heart attack; hepatitis vaccine given to newborns on the day of their birth in California without parental permission; forced health procedures by Medicare; health care withheld for budgetary reasons; new Medicare law mandates that private insurance be dropped in favor of Medicare.... where will it end?

We, the people, MUST claim our rightful dominion over our own SELF HEALTH. This means taking responsibility. It means not only health from the inside out (making healthy choices from food to friends) and from the outside in (making sure that our health rights, our freedom of choice in health care, are protected).

It is my hope that Vocal Profiling will become an integral part of the wellness technologies and medicine of the future. By providing computer programs to you that will allow you to monitor your own nutrient need, toxins, pathogens, risk factors and metabolism, we have a beginning.

I'm here to support this site as much as my time allows. (I'm deep in research concerning health problems that challenge us all - diabetes, heart disease, cancer and aging).

I'm learning everyday from the research subjects I see and from questions from people around the world that spur me to think of new ways to solve an issue. I bury myself in science, lab reports and case studies but my intent is to bring so much proof to sound healing that it can't be denied even by the most ardent naysayer.

I KNOW that healing comes from the inside, from intent. I know it because it is true for me but that is no reason for anyone else to believe it. With the invention of science to explain ourselves, when we can't BELIEVE, we have created another chance to retrieve our inner power.

My journey with Sound and Vocal Analysis began very esoterically. I hear sounds from people and things. I duplicate those sounds and things happen. Headaches go away; people become calm; severe bleeding has stopped; muscle that could not move before, move. I knew that if I could do such things so could others - I just needed to find a way for them to BELIEVE. And so Sound Health, my research company, was born. If I keep my very unique talent to myself, it disappears when I transcend this dimension. If I can create a system that duplicates the results of what my voice and ears can do, I have made a contribution that will enhance the way we create our reality.

I want to be remembered as someone who wanted to make a difference.

I hope that this site provides a way for all of us to work together to make the world an expanded universe of our inner potential!

To Health Freedom and the New Medicine. So be it, in deed, as we move through our lives learning to make room for each other's choices.

Sharry Edwards
Founder of Human BioAcoustics
and Vocal Profiling

© 2003

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