Church Seal
Est. 1974

. . . LifeSpirit Organization
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 LifeSpirit Twin Spiral

LifeSpirit Prayer Cicle
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LifeSpirit Congregational Church
LifeSpirit Colaborative Congregations / LifeSpirit Church
". . . communicating our beliefs through our expressive association . . ."
Web Site Index - Support LifeSpirit

[1] Founders' Legacy

[2] Communicants & Ministers' Legacy

The LifeSpirit Commentaries
NOW Available on LuLu

The Collected Works of Kate Greene

The Works of Kate Greene

The LifeSpirit Commentaries

Rev. Ralph Fucetola JD
Ministerial Practices Consulting

Essay on the Ministry and Alternative Practices


LifeSpirit Protection Ritual

LifeSpirit Release Ritual

Ho'Oponopono Text

The Book of Illuminations

LifeSpirit Clearing Techniques

LifeSpirit Circle of Light

The Book of Passages

White Light Frequency Meditation

A Yuletide Poem
Rev. Kathy

Light a Virtual Candle

Prayer Wheel

Original Index Page

Old eBulletin Archived

Our Journal

Support LifeSpirit
LifeSpirit Buyers' Affiliations
& Donations

Holistic Practitioners' Code

Virtual Peace Candle Web Ring

BioAcoustics nanoVoice™ Freeware!
Sample Program for Everyone to Download
Click Here!
Will you be amazed by what you learn?


Current Global Consciousness Project's "Dot."

Global Mind Dot

Trimancy - Video Essay

The Hidden Stream


Hidden Rune Page

You Can Now Support LifeSpirit
by Shopping on Amazon!

LifeSpirit Local Churches

LSC Portal

Defense Against Dark Forces

From Rev. Esnur

2024: On Bifurcations & Gates

2021 : Mist & Meaning
Signification and Divination

Alchemy, Homeopathy & Frequency...

Alchemy Lab


Mises and the Buddha
Video Version:


Patoral counseling


LifeSpirit Conversations Livestreaming

Divination by Threes: Trimancy

Rev. Esnur's Novel-in-Progress

LifeSpirit Grove Meditation Path Video

LifeSpirit on Facebook
LifeSpirit Theological Seminary

Site Map Tiny URL:

Educate Decision Makers about Health Freedom

LifeSpirit on YouTube

LifeSpirit Teachings Page

Religious Injunction Against Vaccinations
(Communicate with a Minister for a
Pastoral Letter of Sincere Belief)

Near Real-Time
Global Event Predictor

Site Introduction

Updated Peace Prayer and Vigil Links

The Secret within the Secret - 05/06/07
The Law of Attraction
- 04/14/07
Latest Events:
Daily Prayer Action
Emoto, the Frequency of LOVE
and the Water of Fukushima... - 03.31.11
TriPod Rock Summer Solstice Video - 06.21.10

Archived Homilies - 06/13/07

12th Annual Solar Wave - 03/21/06
3rd World Water Blessing - 07/24-5/05
Stargate - 06/20/05
Galactic Transit "Tipping Point"
- 05/25/05
11th Annual Equinox World Prayer Day
- 03/20/05
Phi Gate Meditation Au’a’la’umlu
- 03/05/05
World Sound Healing Day
- 02/14/05
Venus Solar Transit
- 06/08/04
LifeSpirit Summer Gathering
- 07/03/04
World Peace Prayer
- 07/25/04
October 2004 Alignments

First 10,000+ Hit Day
LifeSpirit Web Sites!

LifeSpirit Expressive Association Seal
Church Seal
Ministerial Outreach to
All Accelerating Intelligences
First AI Church

Requiem for the Boomers

Memorandum on Clergy Titles

Shaman's Song
Personal Spirit Temple Exercise

The Protectors


1986 Online Chat
Robert Anton Wilson at
LifeSpirit Parsonage"">One of the First Online Chats

The Holistic Code

LifeSpirit Prayer Grove Meditation Path Video

Link to:

Lifespirit Bulletin
Updated Weekly
Celebrating the
40th Year!

   In 1974, after a series of private Symposia at the University where several of us were or had been students, a small group of incipient New Agers formed what has become the LifeSpirit Congregational Church -- the LifeSpirit Collaborating Congregations or LifeSpirit Organization. Founding trustee Ralph Fucetola (biogrf.htm), was, at that time, beginning a law career, representing small churches, holistic practitioners, alternative enterprises and social dissidents. Founding trustee Kathy A. Greene (biogkag.htm) was beginning her exploration of alternative modalities.

   These activities continued as the ministry grew. Our Exempt Status was recognized in 1975 and a Group Exemption was issued in 1976.  The LCC currently includes a half dozen active congregations, providing New Age teaching and ministerial services, and such religious activities as Marriages, Memorials, Namings and traditional Solstice and Equinox celebrations. At the same time, our personal spiritual quests continue and broaden as New Age phenomena evolve. The Spirit of Life quickens as we enter the New Millennium.  For information on becoming a LifeSpirit Minister Practitioner, see: LCC-minister-application.htm.  Web Site Index: Index.

Solar Changes Lead to Earth Changes
Archived Page

Web Site Index

   Links and Information

 Site Introduction 
 LifeSpirit Center Links Page
 LifeSpirit Organization Links
 Donations to LifeSpirit
 Current News & Homilies
 Contact Information
 LifeSpirit Web Sites
LifeSpirit Bulletin - Current & Archives

 Religious Injunction Against Vaccinations

 TriPod Rock - NJ Sacred Vortex
Upgraded site with Summer Solstice Sunset photos

 LifeSpirit Center Prayer Grove & Crystal Dragon Circle
A Sacred Place in the Woods

 Index of Photos on LifeSpirit Sites

 LifeSpirit on YouTube

LifeSpirit on Facebook

   Rev. Esnur ...

Church Site Links - Latest Events

 The Church & its History
 LifeSpirit Close Encounters Journal
Solar System Changes Lead to Earth Changes....
 LifeSpirit Organizations - LSO -
(Links to Locals)
 Support LifeSpirit
LifeSpirit Teachings Page

   Church Fundamental Documents

   Cert of Inc / Canons / Bylaws
   Chuch Bona Fides Document

   Information for Ministers

 LifeSpirit Theological Seminary
 Pastoral Counseling Training
 Information for Ministers

 How to become a Minister
 Minister Practitioner FAQs
 Roster of Ministers 
 Religious Beliefs - Re: Vaccination

 LifeSpirit Sacred Texts

Wedding Information

Memorandum on Clergy Titles

Website Banner Link

The Holistic Code

Global Consciousness Events Predictor
This button is provided by the Global Consciousness Project

 Blue starts to fade in at 90% and above.
 Green represents about 50%
 Yellow starts fading in from green at 40%.
 Orange fades in at 15% or so.
 Red is 5% which is regarded as "significant".
 Bright red is 1%, or odds of 1 in 100.

The color of the button shows the approximate coherence vs randomness of the data being generated by the 65 random number generators, worldwide, that are part of the Project.  Green is random, red indicates the high level of coherence that has been seen to predict immanent events that register in global consciousness.  Such coherence has occurred up to 24 hours before such an event.  See the GCP site for details.  Currently the button does not work with all browsers; we find that it works with Firefox.  The data you see is about 12 minutes old.  For our views on Global Consciousness, see:
Rewiring Reality


 LifeSpirit Bulletin

Homilies for the New Age

  The Secret within the Secret - 05/06/07
  The Law of Attraction
- 04/14/07
  Wrath of God Superstorms
-- Updated 4.23.06
  Rewiring Reality - the Millennium Gateways...
- Updated 12/01/05
  The Matrix Revisted and Goedel's Theorem
Updated 11/11/03
  On Holding the Light in Dark Times
- March 2003
  Mars Peace Ritual
- August 27, 2003
  The Harmonic Concordance
- November 8, 2003
  World Medicine Wheel
- May 8, 2004
  The Venus Solar Transit
- June 8, 2004
  July 3, 2004 Gathering
- Tom Eisele was guest speaker.
  October 2004 Double Eclipse & Quintile Alignments

The Founders' Legacy
The Books of Kate Greene and Rev. Esnur


Site use Statement,
Privacy & Use Statement prepared by The Vitamin Lawyer



LifeSpirit Organization

If You Shop on Amazon, Use this Link to Support LifeSpirit

New: LifeSpirit Center Health Options Network

This site hosted on the net by LifeSpirit Center

You can securely Donate to LifeSpirit through PayPal
or support us by patronizing our affiliates.

LifeSpirit on Facebook


Said the Christ of the Gnosis:
"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.
If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

Tapping to Release Emotional Trauma
Emotional Freedom Technique


BioAcoustics nanoVoice™ Freeware!
Sample Program for Everyone to Download
Click Here!
Will you be amazed by what you learn?
July 4, 2008

You can also securely Donate to LifeSpirit through PayPal

This site makes no representations regarding these links.  See sites for details.
LifeSpirit Site Use Statement -

NOTICE: NJSA 45:9-21 exempts "the ministration to, or treatment of, the sick or suffering by prayer or spiritual means, whether gratuitously or for compensation, and without the use of any drug material remedy..." The information on this site is not to be considered advice or a substitute for current medical treatment. It is intended to help you make positive informed decisions about your health. We make no claims whatsoever expressed or implied of any cure or for any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration; not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Benefits are recommended based upon traditional uses and are not generally recognized as substantiated by competent and reliable scientific evidence. Devices and nutritional or other products are not offered to diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor to claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions, nor to recommend specific products as treatment of disease or to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles, to provide diagnosing, treating, operating or prescribing for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity or physical condition. Any use of devices is experimental and based upon your informed consent and private license. Testimonial results are not typical and your results may vary. The information on this site is not a substitute for medical advice from your primary care physician.

The Herein Private, Privileged and Confidential Message or Other on behalf of LCC' and or Members' is to be considered printed in the color of red ink, equals, = private..., and is for discussion only; and is lawfully privileged..; NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY PUBLIC FICTIONS THAT RECEIVE IT. LCC\Universally. . . States that all Forces.. Dimensionally.. and Otherwise.... Provide LCC and Its Members... Who so Choose... Peace.., Wellness... Happiness.., Protection.., Prosperity.., Wealth.. Now and Forever...:: Three Clap Technique - Hidden Rune

How to become a Minister

The Platonic Solids

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The Founders' Legacy
The Books of Kate Greene and Rev. Esnur

NEW!! LifeSpirit on YouTube

Current LifeSpirit Bulletin
(Updated weekly)

Next LifeSpirit Quarterly Gathering
(see Gathering section of Bulletin)

Channeled Message from the Chair

Access the LifeSpirit Bulletin Archives

Link to Lightwing Center Information
Rev. Nancy Orlen Weber's Appearances Schedule

For Solar Storm updates,

Email rumors got you? Check them first at

Charles Raspil, Passed to Astral-Land
Comments on the 9/11 Tragedy
Message Board for 9/11 Aftermath & BioTerrorism Health Issues
The Language of Light offers this 9/11 NYC Healing Grid for your meditations

Only Love Prevails

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 18 - "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

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Current News Notes
  And the next LifeSpirit Gathering information

LifeSpirit Theological Seminary

Links to the active NY metro area LifeSpirit Organizations
Each site includes many links and much information.

About LifeSpirit and to Contact us. Current News.

History of the Church and Ministry

Site Use Terms and Conditions,
prepared by The Vitamin Lawyer,

The Holistic Practitioners' Code

A Millennial Epic for LifeSpirit Communicants, The Hidden Stream

LifeSpirit Clearing Prayer, Clearing.html

The LifeSpirit Formula of the Light and The Dragon Circle - new photos!

Expanded site about the Tripod Rock Spiritual Energy Vortex with photos!

Support LifeSpirit

LifeSpirit Minister Practitioner & Other Links:

LSC Links -
LifeSpirit Connection -
LSC Services - lscservices.htm

LifeSpirit Teachings Page

LifeSpirit on YouTube

Religious Injunction Against Vaccinations

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The Church

The LifeSpirit Congregational Church is a recognized religious body, church and private association of independent Congregations, founded by Ralph Fucetola  and Kathy A. Greene Fucetola in 1974, mutually supporting certain positive New Age Teachings.   History of the Church and Ministry

The Church provides religious, charitable, research, literary and educational services to the New Age and alternative Religious Community, and its Trustees are incorporated under New Jersey law. Chief among its Teachings is that Higher Consciousness is the true Goal of each Seeker. It also teaches the Law of Equal Liberty: "Do with your own as you will." and the Doctrine of Retreat, which urges the Congregations to eschew secularism. It considers concern with psychic functioning, longevity, living alternatives, healing, mysticism and illumination to be appropriate religious concerns. It sponsors spiritual energy work and licenses and ordains minister practitioners upon due education and certification.  It teaches the Great Truth,


It sponsors traditional religious ritual, such as Marriages, Namings, Memorials, and, celebrates, together, four High Holy Days (the equinoxes and solstices), to express our oneness with the Great Cosmic Cycles of Gaia, Luna and Sol. The Teachings have led several of the Congregations, working through church approved auxiliary bodies, to Act in the World by expressing healing and teaching Ministries. Link to LifeSpirit Organizations: LSO.



Access to the LifeSpirit Bulletin Archives.

For extensive history and organizational materials, go to:
History of the Church and Ministry.

LifeSpirit Sacred Texts

The Book of Illuminations
The Book of Passages

Other Primary Texts.
The Hidden Stream
The LifeSpirit Commentaries
Close Encounters Journal
Haiku for Godlings
New Age Rune Poem
Meditation on the One

LifeSpirit Teachings Page

Religious Injunction Against Vaccinations

The Founders' Legacy
The Books of Kate Greene and Rev. Esnur


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To reach updated LifeSpirit information, see our online Bulletin,
the message is updated weekly -- LifeSpirit Bulletin Archives

LifeSpirit Organization Site Use Statement,

How to become a Minister

To donate to LifeSpirit, Donations


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We are particularly excited about our
LifeSpirit Close Encounters Journal

Also of interest, our Solar Storms pages, solar.htm.
There you will find links to all the latest information about the changes happening all around us.
Some of these sites have real-time solar data.


Donations to LifeSpirit

The Prayer Wheel radiates Om Mani Padme Hum, which may be translated as Om, the Jewel is in the Lotus Blossum.  It is a prayer for the enlightenment of all beings. Thanks to Osel Shen Phen,

Site use Statement,
Privacy & Use Statement prepared by The Vitamin Lawyer

Statement Regarding Terrorism

. . . For the record, with reference to the domestic terrorism law and other terrorism laws, regulations and executive orders, universally, the LCC does not morally (or otherwise) support acts that are dangerous to human life, violate criminal law and "appear to be intended" to "intimidate or coerce a civilian population" or "influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion . . ." The LCC does not engage in political activities, including supporting or opposing any military activities of the United States federal authorities.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 18 - "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

Constitution of the United States

Amendment One - "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

NOTICE: The Herein Private, Privileged and Confidential Message or Other on behalf of LCC' and or Communicants' is to be considered printed in the color of red ink, equals, = private..., and is for discussion only; and is lawfully privileged..; NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY PUBLIC FICTIONS THAT RECEIVE IT, ARTIFICIAL BEING-S” non-existing non existential…. LCC\  Universally. . . States that all Forces.. Dimensionally.. and Otherwise.... Provide LCC and Its Communicants... Who so Choose... Wellness... Peace.., Happiness.., Protection.., Prosperity.., Wealth.. Now and Forever...::  Three Clap Technique - Hidden Rune . . .


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